Pralni stroj


At ZEOS we are promoting appliance sharing – so called power tool rental.

This includes:

  • (co)organization of sharing communities – consultation and set-up support,
  • promotion of other sharing communities,
  • raising awareness of importance of aplliance (and other product) sharing - trough various own and other channels and activities.
Sharing is caring

Example of good practice: SHARING IS CARIG

Youth centers as community points of sharing

As part of the Life project Turn to e-circular together with Mladinska mreža MaMa, we are establishing sharing points in some youth centers where young people can borrow or use electric or other devices, thus strengthening the values of the circular economy and sustainable behavior.

Locations: Mladinski center Kotlovnica KamnikMladinska postaja MosteMladinski center PrlekijeMKC MariborMladinski center ŽalecMladinski center Gornja RadgonaMladinski center Šmartno ob Paki in Mladinski center Dravinjske doline.

Izmenjevalnica KNJ REČI

Example of good practice: LIBRARIES OF THINGS

Different libraries of things began to be established across the country. They are non-profit lending offices for a wide variety of things for free time and operate according to the model of classic library lending.

The most famous and visited one in Slovenia is the Library of THINGS in Savsko naselje in Ljubljana. There is also a permanent exchange of still-working appliances on the principle of bring one still-working appliance and take another one away.

All libraries of things and exchange locations be found on our online map.

Useful information about sharing


Sharing economy

Sharing communities operate according to the principle of so-called "sharing economy". It is the joint use of products (or services) when the price of a certain product (or service) is high, there is no room for the product at home or it is not fully used all the time. Individuals, members of a community, can borrow or rent products (or use services) jointly owned or owned by someone else. Thus, power tool rental works in different ways.


Two types of sharing economy initiatives

Non-profits, usually based on the concept of lending libraries, where products (as well as services) are available for free (or sometimes for a modest subscription). There are open and closed non-profit communities.

Commercial, in which the company provides services to customers. It is often about mobile applications.



Almost a quarter of Europeans have used sharing services offered through shared sharing economy platforms at least once, mostly in the accommodation and transport sectors, but they rarely use such services regularly, i.e. at least once a month (4%).


Devices (and services) suitable for sharing

* Products that you only use a few times a year and it is not worth buying them, as they are too expensive and take up space (rental of electric tools such as a leaf vacuum, etc.).
* Means of transport such as cars, bicycles, scooters, scooters, etc.
* Services such as accommodation, transportation, housekeeping, etc.