Past projects
Life E-waste governance
Project title: Life E-waste governance (LIFE14 GIE/SI/000176)
Slogan: E-cycle
Project duration: 2016 – 2020
Short description of the project: Promoting the separation of e-waste and waste batteries through intensive and continuous information to users and consumers of e-devices and batteries about the necessity of their separation and the negative effects on the environment and human health in case of improper handling. Establishing a consumer-friendly collection network for e-waste and waste batteries: street collectors on eco-islands, green corners in larger shopping centers, and implementation of mobile collection for the collection of this waste in rural areas.
Project value: 1,795,765.00 €
Project holder: ZEOS, d.o.o.
Project co-financiers: European Commission, Ministry of Environment and Space of the Republic of Slovenia
Project stakeholders: contractors of local public waste management services, EEO dealers, EEO manufacturers, municipalities, housing managers, NGOs, legislators, youth organizations, Life projects and other projects, waste management scheme, international actors in the field of environmental protection